20X20 EUREKA TRUSS DISPLAYWhen it comes to showcasing your brand at trade shows and events, double decker displays stand out for their grandeur, complexity, and customization potential. However, setting up and dismantling these structures involves intricate logistics that go beyond standard booth setups. A bigger and more versatile display will also mean a slightly more complicated set-up and take down process. Luckily for you, All Pro Displays and Graphics is here to walk you through the essential steps and best practices for handling the logistics of double decker displays, helping you make the most of your next trade show appearance.

Understanding Double-Decker Displays

Double decker displays are more than just an eye-catching feature at events; they’re a multi-level branding powerhouse that allow you to maximize your brand’s impact at trade shows. These towering structures, complete with additional floors, staircases, and complex designs, offer unique opportunities and challenges. Their logistical complexities include not just the setup and takedown time but also specialized transportation, intricate assembly processes, and stringent safety regulations. Understanding these elements is crucial for a smooth operational flow.

Pre-Event Planning

Comprehensive Planning

Effective pre-event planning involves more than just scheduling. It encompasses assessing potential risks, anticipating needs for special tools or equipment, and understanding the specific requirements of your double decker display. Establish a detailed logistical plan with a timeline that considers every step, including contingencies.

Collaboration and Coordination

Working closely with event organizers, venue staff, and your own team is critical. Make sure you understand the venue’s layout, including load-in and load-out areas, to streamline the setup and dismantling processes. This collaboration ensures compliance with venue policies and helps avoid last-minute surprises.

Team Assembly and Roles

Selecting the Right Team

Building the right team is crucial for handling complex setups. Look for individuals with specific skills in structural assembly, electrical setup, and design. Each team member should have a clear understanding of their role, from lead builders to logistics coordinators.

Emphasizing Clear Communication

Maintain open and ongoing communication among team members. Regular meetings and clear documentation of plans and progress are vital for a coordinated effort. This ensures everyone is aligned with the day’s goals and any updates in the plan, helping to avoid costly delays.

Transportation and Storage

Strategic Transportation Planning

Plan the transportation of your display with precision. Consider factors like the size of the transport vehicle, route planning for easy access to the venue, and loading/unloading logistics. If you’re renting a large enough vehicle, be sure you have someone on your team with a commercial driver’s license to drive it. Safe and efficient transportation prevents damage and delays.

Smart Storage Solutions

Effective storage solutions both before and after the event are vital for protecting your investment. This is especially true if you’ve purchased the display rather than renting it. Consider climate-controlled storage for sensitive components and organize storage for easy access and inventory management. Of course, depending on how often you attend trade shows, it may be more budget friendly to just rent the displays as needed, saving you on storage costs.

Setting Up the Display

Detailed Setup Process

Implement a detailed, step-by-step setup process. Begin with a thorough inspection of all components upon arrival to ensure everything is there and in good shape. Prioritize the assembly of the base structure and follow with upper levels, ensuring each section is secure and stable along the way.

Safety First

Safety should be your top priority. Conduct a safety briefing with your team, ensure all workers are equipped with necessary safety gear, and regularly inspect the setup process for compliance with safety standards.

Efficient Time Management

Allow ample time for setup, considering factors like weather, technical difficulties, or team availability. Effective time management helps in mitigating stress and ensures a quality setup. It’s always better to be ready an hour early than even five minutes later.

Integrating Technology and Utilities

Detailed Tech Setup

One of the biggest perks of a double decker display is the customization it allows, especially when it comes to the latest in tech. Of course, this will require preparation to pull off in an efficient manner. Plan the setup of technological elements meticulously with the help of someone that’s experienced in that field. Test all electronic equipment before the event, from LED screens to interactive kiosks, ensuring they work flawlessly and be understood easily by attendees.

Utility Integration

Coordinate the integration of utilities carefully. Plan for power needs, internet connectivity, and lighting requirements. Be sure the venue can accommodate your setup. Then, once you’re setting up, make certain that cables and wiring are neatly organized and safely installed.

Dismantling and Post-Event Logistics

Systematic Dismantling Approach

Adopt a systematic approach for dismantling. This means you should lay out an entire process of repeatable steps before you begin. Communication will also be key here as different team members will have to be responsible for different aspects of the disassembly. Label and organize components during this process for efficient future setups. Conduct a final walk-through to ensure nothing is left behind.

Effective Inventory Management

Post-event, check for any damage or wear and tear, and update your inventory list accordingly. This helps in maintaining the quality and longevity of your display components and allows you to plan for the next event more easily.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Proactive Problem Solving

Have a plan for common issues like missing components, delayed transportation, or quick repairs. This ensure that most issues that pop up can quickly be solved by quick fixes rather than becoming catastrophes.

Robust Contingency Plans

Develop robust contingency plans for more serious unexpected situations. This might include having backup suppliers, additional team members on standby, or alternative transportation options. You’ll never regret being over-prepared, but being under-prepared is recipe for disaster.

Mastering the logistics of setting up and taking down double decker displays is essential for a successful trade show outing. By planning meticulously, assembling the right team, and focusing on safety and efficiency, you can ensure a smooth and impactful presence at your next trade show.

And if you’re looking to rent or purchase the highest quality double decker displays, All Pro Displays and Graphics offers a range of options to meet your exact needs. Plus, we offer turnkey rental where we’ll ship and set up the display before the show, dismantle it, re-pack, and provide return shipping after. Let us do the work while you focus on preparing for the trade show! Let us help you make your next event a success! Feel free to browse our extensive collection of double decker displays!